Showing posts with label Education Related. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education Related. Show all posts

Monday 10 February 2020


Click the links below to download 2020 Hela Undialu Education Foundation Application Forms.

This is a must for every applicant to read before applying the Hela Undialu Education Foundation TFA for 2020. The emails and phone numbers for forwarding this application form is shown here. 





First Assistant Secretary
for Department of Education, PNG
In line with the decision made by the Marape/ Steven Government to do away with the Tuition Fee Free (TFF) policy, schools nationwide have been questioned on whether project fees are to be collected for the 2020 academic year.

To answer this, the First Assistant Secretary for the Department of Education (DOE), Mr. Andrew Angobe, has made it clear that all government run primary and secondary schools should not be collecting any project fees at this time, unless the project proposals have been approved by the respective Provincial Education Boards.

“Parents should only be focusing on paying their portion of this year’s school fees that have been passed in the government’s new Subsidized Tuition Fee Policy.”
“Payments for this year’s fees should only commence in Term 2 because all government schools have been ordered to utilize money from last’s year’s 4th quarter of TFF funds, to run this year’s term one,” said Mr. Angobe.

Mr. Angobe, who is also in charge of monitoring schools in NCD, said that all schools in the nation’s capital should not be collecting any project fees because project proposals, budgets and plans have yet to be approved by the NCD Education Board.

“For term one alone, students are not to be sent home from attending classes even though if they have not to paid any of their fees yet. The money from last years’ 4th quarter of TFF is already available for school’s to use to cater for term one,” he said.

In addition Mr. Angobe stated that, all Provincial Education Boards will be going out to monitor and inspect the schools to see if they are in violation of this decision.

“Those Principals who are found guilty will be dealt with and will face dire consequences. They can lose their jobs or even be relieved from office if found guilty,” Mr. Angobe said.
He further went on to reassure schools nationwide that the DOE is currently working on getting this year’s funds ready for use.

Meanwhile, the parents should know the fees they will have to pay for their children as approved by National Education Board. In 2020, parents will be contributing 36.6% of the total Maxim School Fee Limit set by the NEB. The fee sectors will be as shown in Table 1. In Table 2, the overall estimated budget allocation for each component by sector is given. [Source: PNG EDUCATION NEWS]

Fee Structures for 2020 in Table 1 and Table 2

PNGFM / PNGEducationNews

Saturday 4 January 2020


Note: This post is the exact version of Department of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (DHERST) Press Release No.01/2020 which appeared in two local newspapers (The National and the Post Courier) on Friday 3rd January 2019. Headings were not part of the message but added to clarify the key points of  the press statement. 
We welcome the New Year 2020 and the changes and challenges the new decade brings. In addition to personal change for each one of us, we will together witness the transformation of Higher Education in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Phase Out of Tertiary Education Study Assistance Scheme

In 2020 our students will receive greater assistance with the introduction of  the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and the Phasing out of Tertiary Education Study Assistance Scheme (TESAS).

Commencement of Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)

The Prime Minister Hon.James Marape MP and the Hon.Nick Kuman MP, Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology have instructed the Department to introduce the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) commencing second semester 2020.

The second semester commencement of HELP provides time for students, parents, and sponsors to learn more about the support available through HELP assistance.
Second semester timing also provides students with enough time to obtain their National Identification Card (NID) and Tax Identification Number. Theses are important pre-requisite requirements when submitting Applications for HELP.

Hence during the period of January to May 2020, there will be a transition from TESAS to HELP. We will be working very closely with all Higher Education Institutions over the transition period to ensure that all students are well informed about HELP.

HELP Objectives & Impact

The objective of HELP is to assist as many students as possible to gain entry to universities or colleges; to offer high quality education, and most importantly, help students to succeed once they have enrolled. The fundamental reorientation in the financing and quality higher education is profound and will enable students to meet their educational goals, whether they are pursuing a degree or striving towards some other educational objective.

The most significant immediate impact will come from the financing of renewable HELP studentships. HELP will provide student support for multiple years of study as long as students continue to meet the required academic and non-academic criteria.

HELP Loan System
HELP will offer a new state-of-art loan serving system-a system that creates incentives and guidelines that will support a more user-friendly single online loan management platform.

This relieves the heavy upfront- debt burden on students and their families to cover the increasing costs of higher education. Combining the this support under one HELP umbrella makes it simpler for Students, Parents, Sponsors, and the Government. HELP will also be available for PhD, Doctoral,Masters and other postgraduate programs, meeting the Government’s goal in providing a full range of quality education at the post-secondary level and beyond.

What will happen between now and May 2020?

  • As of May 2020, TESAS awards will cease for good and HELP financing will commence. HELP will be the only available Studentship for all students for years to come.
  • Students interested in making an application for HELP financing have time to obtain their National Identification (NID) Cards and the Tax Identification Number-Important pre-requisite for making a HELP application.
  • HELP application will open from 27th April 2020, online via DHERST web-site and as notified in press and media advertising.
  • Existing TESAS awardees will have the opportunity to elect to transfer to HELP under the new student contract conditions, currently being developed.
  • DHERST, together with the other Government Agencies and the Higher Education Institutions, will finalize legislation to establish and operate the PNG-HELP Fund financing renewable studentship into the long term.
  • We will finalize policy positions, terms, and conditions on such matters as eligibility criteria, application and assessment processes, loan agreements, lending guidelines and other matters made in accordance with regulations.

HELP Policy, Terms & Conditions

  • We will develop the full operational requirements of the PNG-HELP in accordance with the Public Finance (Management) Act in readiness for the commencement of loan applications and the issuing of loans for the commencement of the second semester of 2020 academic year.
  • We will finalize medium-term funding arrangement with the participating Higher Education institutions based on student fee enrollments and the 5-Year Higher Education Sector Plan and Budget.
We will regularly update our students, Higher Education Institutions and the public on progress.

Under DHERST’s 5-Year Sector Planning for financing the Higher Education, HELP will become a significant source of funding for Higher Education Institutions.

On behalf of the Department, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to our Government, the Higher Education Institutions, Parents, Sponsors and Students for your support during the academic year 2019.

The Ministry and the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology wish you many God’s blessings, peace and happiness for the 2020 New Year. We look forward to working with you in the year ahead.
Yours sincerely
Professor Fr.Jan Czuba

Thursday 2 January 2020


The recent post on PNG Loop titled: "No Benefit in Free Education Policy: PM" [Source: ] implored me to ask the following questions which many will have as well.
These pressing questions needs urgent and immediate clarification from either the Office of the Prime Minister or the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology on whether the Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape's newly introduced scheme known as HELP to assist PNG tertiary students fees in 2020 and perhaps beyond.
Further, to the supporters of Prime Minister JM, please don't take these questions as political. This is from a good citizen who honestly seeking answers for and on behalf of poor parents, students and stakeholders subjected to the the questions below.
Questions are as follows:
  1. Will the HELP scheme also ensure tertiary Papua New Guinean students attending Private Institutions like Institute of Business Studies University (IBSU), International Training Institute (ITI), Mapex Training Institute (MTI), Asia Pacific Institute of Applied Social Economics and Technological Studies (APIASETS), Kumul Training Institute(KTI), etc?

    Most of the students who could not pursue their studies in the system tertiary institutions through MSU selections due to the competitiveness in securing spaces ends up undertaking their studies in the private/church run institutions. Thus, the concerned authorities must plainly make known to the general public through such media as to whether the private institutions would also be eligible to apply for HELP scheme to ease their school fee burdens.
  2. Would the HELP Scheme also students studying abroad to apply for loan?
  3. Would the HELP Scheme has any GPA cut-offs? News are speculating that the GPA cut-off is 2.8 to be eligible for securing HELP successfully.
  4. Would the SELF SPONSORED STUDENTS be eligible also to apply for fee assistance through HELP Scheme?
  5. How well is Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology (DHERST) prepared with the roll out of this HELP Scheme, in terms of man-power, policy & guidelines, website and database, time and resources?
  6. How well is National Statistical Office prepared in conjunction with the DHERST to ensure all the PNG Tertiary Students have their NID Cards on hand on time in order to qualify for applying for their fees through HELP Scheme before their enrollments commence?
In order for the subject of questions above to prepare in advance, the authorities need to clarify the citizens plainly clear as soon as possible.


Other Sources:

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Photo: Courtesy of Patrick and Kellies Melson

Governor for Hela Province, Hon. Philip Undialu announced today that his government intends to increase the School Fees for 2020, 2021 and 2022 to K10m from K6m piloted out in 2018 and 2019 that benefited over 2500 students throughout PNG and abroad.

With the increase from K6m per year to K10m for 2020, 2021 and 2022, [Hela ] Provincial Government will invest over K42m in direct cash support towards education of our future generation.

One of the challenges we faced was identifying genuine Hela students. We know that many fake people benefited. We have also left out some genuine ones. This time we want to do it better by tying students with coffee planting initiative not only to identify genuine students but also to sustain in the future.

Free handout mentality is killing our society these days.
"My office is full of yellow envelopes asking for money. I see that our people are hardworking but free handout is making them lazy. I must now ask them to grow coffee so after 2022, if am not returned as Governor, coffee will sustain you", said governor Undialu.


Growing minimum of 2, 500 coffee trees will be requirement for every student to receive funding support from us. If you don't grow coffee means you don't have land in Hela. That means, you pretend be be Hela. We will not tolerate your application not just in 2020 but will continue to 2021 and 2022.

Governor Undialu therefore, issued early notice to all Hela Students to return home or organise with your parents or uncles to grow minimum of 2500 coffee trees. School fee voucher will be issued against actual coffee trees planted on the ground.

Coffee growing effort will kick start with the listed 2500 students, 270 ward Councillors and 500 public servants in the province. The 14 LLG Presidents and their LLG Managers will be asked to establish 14 nurseries assisted by our DIP officers and CIS.

So in total we already have 3270 individuals to start with. If each one grows 2500 trees, we expect to grow over 8 million trees.

Total household in Hela (2011 National Census) is almost 70, 000. Each household or family unit should grow coffee to sustain themselves not only for school fees but daily needs.

If Hela can help develop many plantations in the country, we can do it for ourselves. We have huge landmass sitting idle. We have people floating around the cities and sitting, gambling, etc in towns or streets. We have 65% of our 350, 000 of our population under youth category. Many of those never had opportunity to education. But the plain truth is, you don't need a degree qualification to grow coffee.

The Coffee Industry Corporation (CIC) will be invited to assist. Later, our partners (LR Group), ExxonMobil and MRDC will join to grow more coffee, establish processing facilities and marketing.

HUEF Coordinator David Liyago will start registering students or their parents who wants to participate. Our DPI officers headed by Geoffery Walabi will liaise with CIC. Presidents, Ward Councillors, Public Servants, Students and their parents should lead by example.

Finally, to Hela people, Oil and Gas will be gone tomorrow. Coffee and Education will sustain our life and our province. I urge everyone to dirty your hands to grow clean money.

Thank you.
Approved for release by Governor Philip Aja Undialu

Thursday 10 January 2019

2019 Hela Undialu Education Foundation Application Forms for New Students

The 2019 HELA UNDIALU EDUCATION FOUNDATION Application Form for New Students who have not been assisted in 2018 is out as of today for Tertiary Students from Hela Province studying in various institutions in Papua New Guinea as well as abroad.

The form comes in three separate entities as enlisted below: [Click on the links below to download.

  1. The INSTRUCTION SHEET for 2019 Application Form. Every applicant is advised to read the instruction sheet before filling the forms.
  2. 2019 HUEF Application Form in PDF Format. This could not be filled directly on the computer, otherwise if certain software or application is used. Most students may download and print this to deliver manually or scan and email.
  3. 2019 HUEF   Form in Docx Format. This format can be downloaded to fill the forms directly on the computer using MS Word and print to deliver manually or reconverted to PDF and can be sent as email.
The Closing Date is 22nd February 2019.

Completed applications should be sent to email or delivery as indicated on the instruction sheet.

Monday 9 July 2018


GOOD NIGHT HELA, the students and parents. Hela Undialu Education  Foundation (HUEF) have looked into almost 99% of students throughout Papua New Guinea without favoritism or nepotism. As we all know, Hon. Philip Undialu (Undialu Philip) is a single governor for entire Hela people regardless of political affiliations, regional groupings, or category or rather classification of institutions. All institutions from famous University of PNG down to unknown Worklink PNG Ltd at Department of Works, in Boroko were looked into. We paid fees for students in Bible colleges as well.

However, in order to make HUEF efficiently deliver its purpose, and to avoid fluctuation of unnecessary numbers in each institution, we set a very important condition, and we repeatedly posted and text, and that was,

"students in those nominated institutions (89 of them) must be enrolled with their own upfront payment and must be in the school by April 2018".

Thus, when the coordinators visited, the students who were enrolled and in the class/lecture rooms were officially confirmed on our list for Sponsorship. In there, we interrogated students in those schools and when all agreed that name(s) of students who were not in their school, were deleted forthwith. Period! Some students, applied for second semester without paying upfront fees, but we didn't allocate funds for these groups of students, because we were not sure whether they will actually attend studies in 2nd semester/intake or not, and that's not questionable!

So, we didn't forget any single school, from which student(s) applied. We have a single student faraway in Raihu (Aitape) CHW, we have a single student in Aiyura Aircraft Maintenance (Kainantu) , we have a student in Minerva Training Institute (POM) , we have students in Highlands Youth Training & Rehabilitation Centre (Jiwaka) , we have students in Innovative Training Centre in Simbu, we have students in St. Gerad CHW(Central), etcetera. Mind you, those are not well-known schools and some of you may get to know them for the first time from here, lol. We have turned every stone, and looked for our Hela students rather than students looking for us to sponsor them. In our coordination work, we had Hela our heart.

Therefore, if we missed some students, may it/they be as a result of one of the following the reasons:

  1. they may not have applied for Sponsorship;
  2.  they may have applied, but was not present in the school when coordinators visited, and School mates confirmed about him/her;
  3. they may have applied for second semester/intake, which we didn't allocate funds for them;
  4. the students are found to be on corporate sponsor. The students under corporate sponsors were advised that their fees are fully met by their sponsors. However, such CS students in PNGUoT were recognized for their help in supporting day students.
  5. by human error, which is natural can be understood.

Hela brothers and sisters should understand that 2018 HUEF is just a start and it will continue next year and beyond. As such, starting is difficult, but only few selective appointed coordinators tried our very best to diligently deliver our Governor's policy for the first time, you know! Please, I beg you to have some good feeling towards our work. If we didn't do the job properly this year, perhaps other people can be replaced to carry out the task to deliver this ongoing and very vital policy. However, regardless of who is/are coordinating HUEF, or who is the governor for Hela, the very obvious bottom line is, our students from Hela must be educated through this Sponsorship, provided our province is crippled with numerous social problems impeding our poor parents from meeting high fees.

Finally, I'd like to ask any individual or group of students who may missed out due to the above four (4) reasons, to please let us know in writing through this email  Inquiries no later than [30th June 2018] .

And further, I beg you to stop grumbling on FACEBOOK because, any negative arguments on Facebook can be misinterpreted as political propaganda. I guess, I made myself very clear. Good night.

Source: HUEF Facebook Page